Elly Kedward

Elly Kedward

Friday, August 12, 2011

Fragile Awareness

so these are birds....i started this a billions years ago. got bored and never finished it. its not done but idk if it ever will be so i just posted it anyway. basically i lost my direction with this one :)

WWII "bummer" pilot

tattoo concept of a WWII pilot wasting away as he accepts his fate. drawn up for a friend but he never got it so its still up for grabs!

We all rot the same.

"back home they curse our names, but good or bad we all rot the same" -THIS IS HELL

Amplifier Worship

This piece was so much fun! very different and very o.g. so i really dug drawing it up and tattooing it! this is the unfinished pic cuz we did the "amplifier worship" in script on the banner. came out great! thanx alex!

Deaths embrace

mixed mediums on wood

sharpie show

 I got invited to do an art show at Man1's gallery downtown! i was so stoked to be a part of the show! plan on doing many more in the future! P.S i love all my homies!

a cool mermaid?

yep maybe the first ever but it happened! a legit mermaid! blows Ariel out of the water :) i was so stoked to draw this one up!  went on a sailor friend of mine.